Empath Origin Investigation Pt. 2

This article is continued from Part 1: The True Origin of the Empath
In part one, I shared some of my shocking research findings on the hidden history of the word empath. In that article, I expose the European roots of empathic sensitivity. I lay out the evidence of a covert psychological experimentation program that produced a mysterious wave of soul diviners, psychics, intuitives and sensitives — People whom we might broadly classify as “empaths”.
If you haven’t read that article, please take a few minutes to read it.
To review part 1, centuries ago, German experimental psychologists discovered that children with a large heart, a high IQ, high creativity and a faulty family foundation were determined as more susceptible to suggestion. These types of children were selected out of preschools and identified as easy experimental subjects for various purposes. Psychology was being developed as a “science” but it was better defined as well funded experimentation. Pseudoscientists were proliferating, and they were hungry for knowledge about how children could be motivated. They paved a highway of large scale international experimentation done on children. They also experimented on adults, often members of the same family, for multiple generations.
Could this really be true? Could empaths really have been created in labs? Well, it’s not that cut and dried. If we honestly want to get to the root of the full origin of empaths, we’ll need to dig another layer deeper into the suppressed history.
Through Freedom of Information Act, we have access to some previously undisclosed records relating to this experimentation. In this article we will uncover more evidence of covert programs related to experimental psychology on children and adults.
The narrative that is being formed so far is that there was interest by experimental psychologists at least 100 years back in sensitive children. One motive seemed to be to drive the destinies of whole bloodlines toward a specific purposed type of person — extremely sensitive people.
Through a quick Wikipedia search online I was able to learn that beginning around the mid 20th century, psychological experimentation labs opened in the United States. According to the CIA documents obtained from the CIA.gov electronic reading room, the labs had a targeted population for experimentation. This population included sensitive, gifted adults and children.
Based on published details about these psychological experiments, researchers understood that feelings in a person could be manipulated and directed to a desired outcome by “inducing strong feelings of horror, disgust, confusion or love”. The feelings were induced by suggestion, situational double binds, imagery, audio or sensory prompts.
The emotions that were felt by the sensitive person made it easy to convince him or her, especially the more tender soul, to accept a specific solution that was offered, even if the solution was generally thought of as unethical, like lying or stealing.
The knowledge gained in these experiments was quickly assimilated into additional covert programs that have only recently become discovered by the world due to Freedom of Information Act. Programs called MONARCH, STARGATE, MKOFTEN, MKULTRA and many others brought government funding into institutions throughout the world.
Those institutions that were funded included boarding schools, daycares, hospitals, prisons and military bases. The funded programs were experimental and appear to have required little if any oversight by any authority or moral code. The most highly suggestible people were selected for these programs by instituting generalized testing for factors indicating intelligence quotient, suggestibility and hypnotizability.
Interestingly, I was able to find Biblical evidence for the selection process of children with desired abilities or talents for the training in the divining arts. In the book of Daniel chapter one, we see how in the days of the Hebrew prophet Daniel, the magicians and sorcerers of the kingdom of Babylon were selected by the king as children and prepared for the training to become royal workers of the craft they had been selected for.
Daniel 1:4
Children in whom was no blemish, but well favoured, and skillful in all wisdom, and cunning in knowledge, and understanding science, and such as had ability in them to stand in the king’s palace, and whom they might teach the learning and the tongue of the Chaldeans.
So it is not a leap at all to suggest that someone in power discovered this and began to put it into practice internationally by their own architect.
So this begs the question; has a world of science fiction, aliens, angels and superhumans been devised through the media to reflect the type of superhuman these experimenters were trying to create? Could these experimenters have found a way to benefit from convincing the world at large that a luciferian New World Order is a natural outcome of the “evolution of human consciousness”?
It’s plain to see that today’s empaths are empowered by the media, Hollywood, fashion and the advent of a great awakening. Those who discover the term empath finally feel understood. They now have myriads of personal motivation books, websites, courses and healing techniques offered to them, all focused on concepts related to self as master, self as gifted, self as god, and self as supernatural.
One of the most well known thought leaders in speaking on these topics is a PhD psychologist, (the same psychology that created empaths). One has to wonder, was this thought leader experimented with as a child? What about the other empath gurus of today?
Were these empath authors, healers, teachers and advocates once unwitting victims of experimental psychology themselves? Did someone register them into a school, gifted program, camp, hospital, or military base that was funded for MONARCH, STARGATE or MKULTRA?
Talk to empaths and you will find a common thread of unique beginnings, and as we will learn in successive articles.
What can’t be hidden however are the signs that a person did have tampering:
Signs You May Have Been Exposed to a Ritual Initiation
Once empaths begin to come to terms with this research and the possibility of tampering, the truth of the experimentation may be able to surface. For some, the memories come up long before the victims ever hear of experimental psychology. All they know is they’ve had a feeling that something about life has been very strange and very wrong. For the amnesiac victim the sadness is palpable. The psyche has been separated from the history. A strange sense of existential sadness can emerge from having been exposed to atrocities whose memories cannot be accessed.
An arm of our culture suggests that empaths are supernatural beings or human angels here to help save the world, and we can observe in many, a nearly unbreakable pride as if they are.
To the survivor of psychic experimentation and programming, the ability to feel others’ suffering and vivid supernatural spiritual experiences are very real. These feelings are unwelcome and increasingly tormenting.
Suppose thousands of very sensitive child victims of these experiments were told that they’re special angels or leaders who will help save humanity from certain destruction and that it is urgent. Wouldn’t this psychologically force the adult empath to live with the burden of suffering, ever trying to put it to a predisposed service?
Online experts call being an empath a gift from heaven. It is repeated that they are here to bless the earth! The bible says that those that are saved in the end times will be lights in a dark world. But that light comes only from faith in Jesus Christ, not from the self. The world is encouraging the empath of today away from the free gift of salvation, and toward a very burdensome self-as-god spirituality. Masses of sensitive people might happily agree with this premise, because they see no other explanation for why they have strange spiritual experiences and abilities. But they live in pain, striving to be the gods they think they are here to be. This traps the world’s large-hearted people into a prison of burden, fatigue, and confusion to the point that many no longer want to live at all.
Many websites ask:
Are empaths angels?
Perhaps it hasn’t been considered that there’s another explanation? What if empaths discovered they are people who are more prone to suggestion, more open to divination? What if the ancestors of today’s empaths were more agreeable and compliant? The target of those who desired to create a worldwide wave of emotional and spiritual diviners for the purpose of a luciferian new world order?
Wouldn’t this explain why we live in a culture today when mastering energy and ascending to our true self has become the celebrated answer to solving our unhappiness?
Discovering all of this helped me conclude without a shadow of doubt that satan is real, and so is the God of the bible. The bible says Jesus’ yoke is easy, His burden is light. He says, “cast your cares upon me because I care for you”. But the serpent satan (who is the same as lucifer who fell from pride), wants humanity to be bound to heaviness. Satan is almost finished with his job of burdening the hearts and minds of large hearted people across the world. The bible says he will use lying signs and wonders to make the world believe in the false prophet and the beast, the antichrist incarnate.
The antichrist mentioned in the bible is a leader who is to rise up with seemingly amazing mystical gifts. In order for this to happen, mystical gifts must be popular, familiar and bathed in concepts of love and light. The culture has to believe that people can evolve to become super-gods.
Antichrist is expected to arrive on earth in the very near future, at the end of the Church Age, which is before the year 2030, (2000 years after Christ’s ascension).
This is a lot of information. It’s hard to convey. But I hope something comes across that helps to stimulate and broaden your understanding. This information changed my whole career and life and I pray it reaches whoever needs it.
About the Author: Jennifer is a born again end times watchman, seer and servant of the Most High God. She is a former counselor for sensitives, former teacher of enlightenment, and former empath who created this ministry website to provide prophetic counsel, prayer, biblical deliverance and many other resources to the body of Christ.