Deliverance Prayer for Victims of Ritual Abuse, Cults, Eugenics, Hypnosis, Mind Control, Targeting

Thank you for coming to this page and seeking deliverance. In Jesus Christ you have access to total freedom.

I am passionate to see believers set free from the deepest and darkest things that would try to harm God’s creation! This prayer is for any born again Christian needing freedom and deliverance from evil, satanic ritual, unclean spirits, targeting, and other oppressions.

If you’re praying for the first time, it might be good to have supportive Christians with you as you pray. I declare that as you pray no evil shall touch you, or on any day forward in Jesus’ name! Amen! 


I praise the Living God. I praise the Lord Jesus Christ. I’m given over only to My Savior Jesus, the most High God, the God of the Bible, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. I love you Lord, I keep your commandments and I follow your ways. I love the brethren. And the brethren are those who do the will of my Father which is in heaven. My Father Yahweh, the Living God, the Mighty God, the Everlasting God, the Prince of Peace, the King of Kings, the King of Glory.

Lord Jesus you sustain me. You are my life. You are my light. You are my promise, you are my Fortress, my Deliverer, my Recompense, my Just Judge. You’re the God Who saves. The God Who redeems. The God Who restores.

Most High God I thank you that you provide every believer ministering angels and I thank you that they are encamped round about me and are guarding the gates of my soul, body and spirit to protect me from all evils as I pray, O Lord. I resist the devil. I bind and cast him down. I command him under foot in Jesus’ name. I command every evil entity out of me in Jesus name. Go!

Father, I cancel every agreement I’ve ever made with any evil. I break every evil voice off of my life and heart and soul and body in Jesus’ name. I condemn it to hell. I command everything that’s not of the Living God to leave me and my life permanently forever, no matter what tricks, no matter what traps, that the enemy brings. I cancel any agreements to any evil, to lucifer, to satan, in Jesus name. I cast evil down. I command it to stop and reverse its work in my life. I break every spiritual folly, every spiritual trap, every soul trap off of my life in Jesus name. I align my will with the will of the Living God in Jesus’ name. I thank you Father for the love of the Truth. I pray Lord that you give the love of Truth also to my family.

I break all ungodly prayers from my life in Jesus’ name. I break off every devil lurking in my life in Jesus’ name. Father bring only Godly fruit, the word of God to me, to my life. Bring blessing, bring that which is righteous and holy. Thank you Father for preserving me. Thank you Father for your increase. Lord I break every ritual off of me, every satanic ritual in Jesus’ name. I break every foreign, ungodly spirit, every demon, every force that’s not of the Living God. I break the antichrist off of my life in Jesus’ name.

Father I come out of agreement with every covenant with witches, made by witches, given by witches, spoken by witches in Jesus’ name. I thank you Father for your authority over every devil. Thank you Lord for giving me power to resist the devil. Thank you for Your power over every foe, every enemy of God. I break the neck of leviathan in Jesus’ name. I break the neck of the Assyrian in Jesus name. I crush the head of the serpent in Jesus name, under foot. The devil be underfoot, in Jesus Christ’s mighty name!

I thank you Father for the proliferation of your army that is heaven-sent from the third Heaven, from the Throne of God, by the mercy of Jesus Christ. Your army also that is coming alive here on earth. Father I thank you for Your truth, that the Living God is alive in your people. That no unclean thing touches us, soul, body, or spirit.

Father, thank you for making the word of God alive in my soul, body, and spirit, Lord, in my skin, in my being, as I have become a place for You to dwell. Lord let me be one who would shed my old wineskin, this filthy garment, and take on a new garment. Let me be estranged from the self that I knew, the sinful, worldly, bound self, the unredeemed. Let me be making room for the new wineskin. The body of Christ.

I thank you Father that everything I do and say is fruitful for your kingdom, Lord. Thank you for giving me clean hands Lord, by the blood of Jesus, and a pure heart. I thank you Father for every evil leaving me, all of these evil spirits seeking to come in Lord through ritual blood, I charge it off of me in Jesus name. My body is paid for. I cover myself with the blood of Jesus Christ. I condemn every ritual spoken or done or practiced over myself or my family or in the world. I do not permit the lies of ritual to touch me in the name of Jesus. I silence the voice of the devil and his minions seeking to speak over me, creating any attachment to my blood, my DNA, or attaching me to any curse.

Father I pray that my family and I would be set completely free today. That all of us would be saved and come to die to our soul-directed lives and to submit fully to You God. I declare that myself and my family shall become completely set free from all of the curses that were placed upon any of us through sin, ritual, open doors, abuse, trickery and manipulation in Jesus’ name. Lord you are a good God. And you always give a way of escape.

In the name of Jesus Christ, I break my bloodline from all Jesuit, Catholic, Freemason or other oaths that may have been taken in our generations. I repent on behalf of my bloodline for any doorways to evil that may have been opened by joining ourselves to covenants, memberships and initiations that were not the will of the Living God, Jesus Christ. Father I repent for and renounce our joining into brotherhoods, lodges, and clubs that knowingly or unknowingly tied us to curses. I renounce and repent for our wearing of uniforms, regalia, or accoutrements tied to initiation and for our taking part in unbiblical ceremonies or rituals.

Thank you Father for removing all false priests, prophets, pastors, teachers and apostles from positions that lead people into false truth, false paths, false teachings, and false gospels. Father in Jesus’ name I renounce popular mythologies, secular counsel, mystical beliefs, and pagan cultural traditions. I repent for believing lies, Father, and I call forth the washing of all contamination from the minds of the people of every nation from these things. I break it all from the minds of every believer in Jesus’ name.

Thank you Lord for all that you have done for your people. You have already provided total freedom. Thank you for setting your captives free. Therefore, I declare that every blood crying out against me, that the voice is silenced due to Jesus Christ dying for me and giving me new life, regenerating me, and bringing me through the outer court to the inner court to the holy of holies.

Lord I thank you for the saints of the Living God in the Heavens with you. Oh Lord the perfected saints. The glorified. Thank you Father for wisdom, thank you that your wisdom abounds Lord. Your way by Your Word is the only way of life. Thank you for making me to teach the things of wisdom in this world, for the people to hearken to You Lord, the truth given to people plainly Lord, that they can comprehend. I thank you for letting me be a voice that speaks to them Lord, from where there is only richness and glory in the living God through Jesus Christ, the Messiah, the Savior of the world. Change me Lord, make me to be unafraid. Let the kingdom of Jesus Christ change me, change my being from darkness to light.

Cause me to shed all other purposes Lord. Thank you Lord for separating me from all darkness, and all light that still has darkness. Thank you Jesus that I only have light in which there is no darkness. Thank you Father for propelling your people forward and causing us to abstain from sin in all ways. Cause my family also to persevere in breaking through to the other side of their prisons Lord. Cause them to want to be free Lord.

Thank you Lord for taming your people’s tongue. Causing us to refrain from speaking anything that is not of the Kingdom of Jesus Christ. Thank you for keeping me from speaking what you have not wanted me to speak and designed for me to speak Lord. Thank you for having me to not say so much of what my heart desired to say, my evil heart, my unredeemed heart. Thank you for healing and giving me a new heart Lord. Let all members of my family, my blood family, and my spiritual family have a new heart Lord.

Lord God rebuild the victims of eugenics by your regenerating word of Truth. I pray and I intercede for the victims of eugenics and trauma based mind control, mass media programming, and hypnosis. I break it off of the entire world in Jesus’ name. In Jesus Christ, I have authority over it, and I condemn it. I condemn its lies, that are risen against the people in judgment. In blame and condemnation. Father I deplete the power of mind control in Jesus Christ’s mighty name. I scatter the power of mind control. I scatter the devil’s power now in Jesus name. I scatter the enemy’s lies. I bind it all.

Father take myself, my blood family and my brethren to be where you are in safety. Bring us into recognition of you. Tailor us to be fitted within you. That there is no guile within us. Father reinstate us into your tree of life. You as the vine and we as the branches Lord. Let us not be cut off. Let us be fruitful in the mighty name of Jesus Christ Lord. Thank you for reinstating us into the place that we were born to be in, Most High God. Thank you for your affections for us. That we would have affections only for You, and never again for lusts of the flesh, lust of the eyes, or the pride of life. That you’ve taken it all away Lord. I come into agreement with you on behalf of all those in the world that would desire for truth, Jesus Christ, to come into their lives. That all those seeking truth would find the Living God. Thank you Jesus.

Father anoint us, anoint your people for providence and life and sanctity and Truth. Give us your great gospel going forward. We need you Lord. I thank you Father for this prayer to go forth and to cover all of those who are called by Your name, even if they have fallen away. That Your light would come upon them because of this intercession Father. And that they would be yoked back to You and You only, never again able to fall back. Let yourself live within Your people oh Living God, oh Messiah. You are our bridegroom, our husband and our King, O most high God. You are everything and we love you. In Jesus’ name we have prayed! Amen and amen!

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