Prayer to Renounce Occult Beliefs


Confession Prayer:

Mighty God, Ancient of Days, Your word says that there is no enchantment against Jacob, neither is there any divination against Israel (Numbers 23:23). Victory is accessible to me as a Christian who realizes and reckons upon my position in You God. “Stand, therefore!” is what You ask of the believer. I stand as the victor I am; I stand in the victory of Calvary, whether I am seeing the victory manifest at this moment or not. I know what the scriptures say about me as spiritual Israel. I know what the bible says about me as the bride of Christ. I understand that as a Christian I can be completely redeemed through a process of encountering You, my precious God in Heaven and aligning with Your will. I am literally in Christ seated in heavenly places. Because I study the bible Father, I am familiar with Your promises. I remind You of them by my positive confessions of the scriptures. I come now and hide in Your shadow according to Psalm 91. Your faithfulness is a shield around me.

Repentance Prayer:

King of kings, My Intercessor, My Sanctifier, I repent of all of my sin, whether I sinned in waking life or in dreams. I am sorry and I ask for your mercy and grace on my life. I need your mercy every day and your grace is such an incredible loving gift. God who is a Diadem of Beauty, Fuller’s Soap, and Refiner’s Fire, please cleanse me of all unrighteousness, including unforgiveness. I choose to forgive all who have harmed me. 

Eternal Spirit, Man of Sorrows, I repent for, give up, and return any counterfeit spiritual gifting related to any form of occultism that I developed or was born with. Father I ask that you will strip me from anything I gained by having or using occult gifts or powers. This includes wealth, property, position, status, fame, reputation, or power. I declare freedom and separation by the blood of Jesus from all occultism in me or my family. Author of My Salvation, I declare occult supernatural power as demonic abomination. Father, I ask that you cleanse me of every occult power and the demons behind them. I further ask that every spiritual object, talisman, tattoo, beacon, device, label, jewel, amulet, necklace, earring, crown, ring, bracelet, charm, garment, scepter, mark, power source, tracking device, system, grid, or branding in or around me, my family or bloodline, is now forever consumed and destroyed by the blood of Jesus in Christ Jesus’s Name.

Strategic Prayer Points:

Lord in Heaven, I call forth and apply to my life every New Covenant benefit that has been gifted to me as a believer by the shed blood of Jesus Christ.
Any harm to my head, brain, mind, body, soul, spirit or ancestral line, be avenged because of the New Covenant.
I renounce, bind and throw down the spirits of the prince of Tyre, Pharaoh and ancient Phoenicia in Jesus’ name.
I declare the effects of spirits of Leviathan, the dragon, the serpent, Jezebel, queen of heaven, lilith, or any other demonic agents, converted to dross by the Lord’s refining fire in my life.

I shall walk circumspectly with the Lord by the Word of God until my purification is complete in Jesus’ name.
In the name of Jesus, I declare that I search out, root out and destroy any evil intent to use my DNA, blood or body fluids to harm me in Jesus’ name.
The blood of Jesus poured forth as life into the world and He has already healed me and this includes my DNA, my blood and blood vessels, veins, and capillaries, my arteries, nervous system, body fluids and all other functions of my body.

I loose and untie myself from all covenants with death made with anyone in my bloodline or spouse’s bloodline in Jesus’ name.

I loose and untie myself from every plan of the enemy of Almighty God to steal my destiny in exchange for burden and sacrifice in Jesus’ name.
Every strange power and spiritual wickedness being used to steal my God-ordained destiny, I bind you and cast you underfoot in Jesus’ name.
Spiritual animals of the night, be snared by your own gins, and let all cries of judgment by your tongues be silenced and condemned forever in Jesus’ name. (Psalm 141:10, 9:15, 35:1-8 and Proverbs 29:6)
Let all those that practice witchcraft and sorcery against me bow to Jesus and confess Jesus Christ as Lord, in Jesus name.

Let the enemy and all spiritual adversaries of the Living God be set upon themselves in confusion, so that they cannot communicate, form plans or strategize, in Jesus name, according to Genesis 11:7-9, 1 Samuel 14:20 and Judges 7:22.
Blessed and Holy Ruler, let my praise and worship arise to Jesus Christ so that you can set ambushes against my enemy (2 Chronicles 20:20.)
Let the enemies of the Living God connected in any way to my life be convicted of their sins and repent in Jesus name.
Let all sacrifices and oaths to false gods committed in my ancestral line be broken by the New Covenant in Jesus’ name (2 Chronicles 20:3).
Let the word of God enter my ears, enter my heart and grow my faith mightily in Jesus’ name.
Let every intended curse that the enemy wanted to put upon me and my generations be turned into a blessing, in Jesus name (Deuteronomy 23:5).
Let every form of deception, fraud and intent to injure me be unraveled and come to nothing, in Jesus name (Isaiah 54:17).
Let God’s ministering angels be released and multiplied to ensure my God-ordained victories in Christ Jesus (Hebrews 1:14).
Let God arise to bless and favor my bloodline as we repent and turn from sin, and let every enemy of God be scattered from us in Jesus’ name. (Psalm 68:1,2).
Let the covenants and ancient traditions of the enemy operating through my father’s and mother’s house be brought to light and repented for now, in Jesus name. 
Let all my living blood relatives, spouse and children come into the New Covenant by receiving salvation through Jesus Christ, Son of God.
In Jesus’ name, I bind, cast down and trample underfoot all generational or personal ties to Jewish or Catholic mysticism and the curses they bring.
In Jesus’ name I loose and untie myself from any covenants that were made by me, by my family, or on my behalf that were related to nature, the senses, mythology, freemasonry, paganism, human leaders, gurus, “spirits”, ritual or other idols.
In Jesus’ name, I permanently loose myself from any sorceries or covenants intended to bind me to “astrological” signs or events, or anything else within God’s Creation. 

Additional Requests:

Lord of Hosts, thank you for sending out the maximum number possible of Your ministering angels of healing to bring healing and strategic pre-emptive protection where necessary. Let Your angelic hosts and every laboring angel you can release remove dead spiritual structures and rubble where necessary. Father, I ask that you would end my judgment by your mercy and cause your enemies in my life to restore sevenfold with penalties everything stolen from me according to Your instruction.

Praise and Worship:

Glorious Creator, thank you for what you have done today! You are the only God! Every knee will bow only to Jesus Christ of Nazareth! My mouth will be filled with the glory of God! I seal this prayer and declarations in all of the heavens and earth, in every part of my being and in every aspect of my life – spirit, soul, body and heart.

In the Name of Christ Jesus,


Merciful Father, my Fortress and Hiding Place, I take refuge in you and renounce all national, cultural and literary mythology, folklore, demi-gods, characters with supernatural powers and all other manmade gods in Jesus’ name.
Worship of the water, the earth, the stars or any other part of God’s creation, scatter from my family in Jesus’ name.
I renounce astrology, Frigg, Freya, the occult unbiblical Roman celebration of “Good Friday”, Venus, Vulcan, Quetzalcoatl and all other representations and celebrations of the mythological goddess of foreknowledge, foresight and wisdom.
I renounce Zeus (Tuesday), Wodan (Wednesday), Thor (Thursday), supposed gods of the sky, thunder and lightning, be exposed as the devil’s occult mythology in Jesus’ name.
I renounce blind worship of Saturn, the sun and the moon (Saturday, Sunday, Monday) by the occult meanings placed on our current calendar.
I renounce all influences of Poseidon, Neptune and every other depiction carrying a pitchfork. Be cut off from my family in Jesus’ name.
I renounce the mythological gods transposed upon our culture and national heritage: Lady Columbia, Sol Invictus, the Roman Goddess Libertas and Bacchus; the Babylonian Ishtar; the Greek Astarte, Minerva, and Dionysus; and the Egyptian Osiris.
Every symbol or mythology venerating sex, lust, beauty, sorcery, fertility, gold, war or death, be annihilated from my nation in Jesus’ name.
Every evil agency presenting gnostic occult doctrine as Christian, receive the thunderfire of God to eternal judgment in Jesus’ name.
All false gods of enlightenment (gods of sun worship) represented by Mithras, Helios, Appolo, Ra and all other names, be exposed and leave my family in Jesus’ name.
I renounce all names of the days of the week and the planets that have been named after mythological gods.
I renounce the heliocentric model of the earth and the false occult solar system developed by gnostic occultists who wish to deceive the masses, make the Living God a liar, and rule the world.

Thank you glorious and Most High God, the Spirit of Adoption, the Alpha and Omega, the Image of God for the power and authority you have given your heirs of salvation to execute your power and authority over evil in this world in these end times. Amen!


Also if it applies, see this page for a full prayer to renounce patterns of generational incest.





Renounce Druidism and Its Fruits


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